Wild-type Cell Lines In stock

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Gene-editing Series Products

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  • All products
  • Red Cotton™ gRNA Plasmid Bank
  • KO Cell Lines
  • Wild-type Cell Lines
  • Cas9 Stable Cell Lines
  • Luciferase Stable Cell Lines
  • EGFP Stable Cell Lines
  • Stem Cell Lines
  • Transfection Culture Medium
  • Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium
  • EZ-Stem™ Cell Culture Medium
  • EZ-cryo™ cell freezing medium
  • Kits
  • Lentivirus
Product Name Instruction
Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Line(CHO-K1) More Order
Human Uterine Adenocarcinoma Cell Line(C-33 A) More Order
Human Chorionic Tumor Cell Line(Bewo) More Order
Human Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Cell Line(AN3 CA) More Order
Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle Cell Line(MOVAS) More Order
Rat Cardiomyocytes Cell Line(H9c2(2-1)) More Order
Mouse Myoblasts Cell Line(C2C12) More Order
Human Myocardial Cell Line(AC16) More Order
Human Astrocytoma(U251MG) More Order
Human Lioblastoma Multiforme(U-87 MG) More Order

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